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What Makes A Romantic Relationship Unhealthy?

Relationships are a tricky business. While they can be extremely gratifying, but they are also challenging to handle. There are so many things that can go wrong, so many changes that you must make, and so many compromises that are forced into, all because of love. However, relationships can also be exploitative as well. It is more common in cases where the relationship is not based on equality, but is a differential relationship.

Moreover, it is easier to exploit partner who are more naïve. They can be forced into doing things that are otherwise unhealthy, or misuse of one’s trust. Knowing the signs of the unhealthy relationship is then imperative to ensure that you are not being given the shorter end of the relationships.

However, it is important to differentiate between an unhealthy and an abusive relationship. The latter can involve criminal conduct and endanger one’s being. People in abusive relationships need urgent help, but unhealthy relationships can still be moderated some.

Signs Of An Unhealthy Relationship

Your Partner Is Not Interested In Having Sex With You

Having a healthy sex life is a sign of a healthy relationship, and if your partner is not interested in sex, or is thwarting your attempts at sex, it is a sign that your relationship is not a healthy one. Of course, there can be exceptions like issues with sexual dysfunction that merit the intervention of the best sexologist in Karachi. Or your partner being overworked.

However, it is still important that you talk to your partner about these issues.

You Are Constantly Dealing With Their Jealously

Jealousy is a natural emotion, but too much of it can cause rift in a relationship. Jealousy is more to do with insecurity about your place in the partnership. It might also be a result of trust issues.

What is Love? Identifying Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships - The Sober  World

While some people might become jealous due to their partner’s past behavior. But even in that case, it can cause rift in the relationship.

You Are Not Allowed To Have Certain Friendships

If your partner is dictating whom you can defriend, and who you are not allowed to be friends with, then it is a sign of an unhealthy relationship.

If they know some private things about the other person, and are trying to protect you, then they should disclose the entire matter to you. Otherwise, you as an adult, are free to make your mistakes.

However, if your friend is affecting your relationship and life, then it is fair for them to speak on the topic, as it pertains to them too. Even in that case, they cannot force you in and out of friendships. Qualms should be talked about, rather than your partner dictating things to you.

Your Partner Checks Your Phone Or Laptop

Even if a relationship, it is important that you and your partner, both have their privacy. Checking up on each other like this and snooping around on the personal conversations is not healthy. It signals distrust and insecurity.

Hence, if your partner is partaking in any such activity, call them out. However, here too, context is important. If your partner has been involved in illicit behaviors, suffering from addictions like gambling and pornography or are facing any such issues that require full disclosure, then yes, there has to be access to the machines. In that case too, it should be done with mutual consent and a proper discussion.

Your Partner Does Not Care For Your Needs

Sex and intimacy need to be mutual. Their needs are not more important than yours. If you are not finding pleasure from the intimate events, you must talk to your partner, as that is not healthy.

It does not always have to be due to nefarious reasons; your partner might have issues with their sexual health. In this case, it is important that they get help from an expert like Dr. Tanveer Ahmed, as it has a crucial role to play for in your relationship.